Subject: Re: latest install floppy
To: None <>
From: Matthew Jacob <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/09/1998 19:14:42
Just a follow up- probably showing *my* limitations more than anything
I'm only reporting this here as a datapoint. I'm really grateful for all
the work being done- and maybe you can use my test case as the "dumb user"
test case.
I was only able to ultimately get NetBSD (latest snap) installed using the
following method- all else just blew up in my face (sysinst core dumps) or
1. Under Linux, use fdisk to set the partitions as I wanted them. This
probably could have worked under NetBSD or FreeBSD, but fdisk under linux
is a lot, err, um, more friendly.
2. Connect the disk to a NetBSD 1.3 system to make filesystems. Hand
extract the tgz files. Edit the rc.conf and other items as appropriate.
Use installboot to install the partition bootstrap and boot block.
3. Final important step, boot DOS and use FDISK /MBR to restore a working
boot block.
I'm *sure* that other folks have done this differently and more easily,
but after several attempts of just booting the install floppy and getting
things working, this seemed to be the only way to get the install to