Subject: Re: NWSCONS fails to find keyboard on Dell Dimension XPS-R400
To: John Kohl <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/11/1998 13:30:15 said:
> Adding the extra read to flush doesn't help. Using a brand-new
> keyboard with it doesn't help either :(. Same symptom.
So perhaps the keyboard controller answers the test
command with either an ACK and a 0, or with the ACK only.
Can you perhaps test the patch to find out?
(perhaps the same will be necessary for the mouse channel.)
best regards
Index: pckbc.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/dev/isa/pckbc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -c -2 -r1.9 pckbc.c
*** pckbc.c 1998/11/16 22:35:18 1.9
--- pckbc.c 1998/12/11 12:28:54
*** 432,437 ****
cmdbits |= KC8_KENABLE;
} else {
! printf("kbc: kbd port test: %x\n", res);
! return;
--- 432,446 ----
cmdbits |= KC8_KENABLE;
} else {
! if (res == 0xfa) {
! res = pckbc_poll_data1(iot, ioh_d, ioh_c,
! printf("kbcporttest: fa/%x\n", res);
! /* attach anyway */
! if (pckbc_attach_slot(sc, PCKBC_KBD_SLOT))
! cmdbits |= KC8_KENABLE;
! } else {
! printf("kbc: kbd port test: %x\n", res);
! return;
! }