Subject: Re: In-place disk partition
To: Space Case <>
From: Robert V. Baron <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/12/1998 21:28:55 (Space Case) writes:
> I just bought my son a PC, which has a 7.6GB disk, and which I'd like to
> put NetBSD on as well. Is there a way to repartition the disk without
> having to reinstall WinBlows? The Install doc mentions a couple of things
> you *don't* want to do if there's data on the disk you want to keep, but
> it's not clear on how to shrink the existing partition if you want to split
> it in two...
Assuming that the 7.6Gig is used for only one drive, the C drive, the
program you are looking for is partition magic. It is a commercial
product. You might be able to find a version 3 copy cheap since
they're now on version 4. Version 3 will deal with fat and fat32
partititions. Version 4 is needed for fat32x which is typically used
on disks > 8.4Gig. So version 3 should be ok for you.