Subject: ix86 NetBSD 1.3H-I security missing?
To: NetBSD i386 Mailing List <>
From: Alicia da Conceicao <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/17/1998 09:51:46
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According to NetBSD 1.3I INTSTALL:
> The i386 security distribution set is named "secr" and can be found in
> the "i386/binary/security" subdirectory of the NetBSD 1.3H
> distribution tree.
And yet, none of the sub directories in:
contain any files or directories with "secr*" or "dom*".
Any ideas, short of compiling the source to get them?
Thanks in advance, Alicia.
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title: VP of Technology
tel;work: 416-860-9378
tel;fax: 416-860-9380
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