Subject: Re: Split Partitions[plain text]
To: David Guynn <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/01/1999 20:40:20
On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, David Guynn wrote:
> I have a 13.6 gb hard drive with a fat32 windows 98 partition. is there a
> fat32 compatible utility to make a 3.6 gb BSD partition and a 10 gb fat32
> partition,
> keeping my old data intact?
Don't know that there are any free utilities to resize partitions, so
I bought Quarterdeck's PartitionIt for that purpose. That was a
closeout, but Quarterdeck's successor program, name escapes me, is
touted to get along with Winblows 98.