Subject: Re: keymaps...
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/07/1999 18:09:19
Do you need this in X or really when in text mode?
I believe you can configure the wscons keyboard mapping with
"wsconsctl". wscons is the new thing on port-i386, so...
.pm (Peter Seebach) writes:
> Does anyone have a convenient Dvorak keymap for port-i386? I need a kernel
> level map, ideally, so I can use my laptop in Dvorak mode on console. (It
> hurts my hands less.)
> I've been told I may need to switch to 'pcvt', but I don't really care, just
> so it works. :)
> -s