Subject: Re: 19990131 snapshot & color?
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/24/1999 11:16:54 said:
> I'm using a mono VGA monitor right now, and at the beginning of the
> boot, the text changes to a really faint grey. What color is this
> supposed to be, and why is it changing colors "for" me? I assume this
> is wscons-related... What's going on, and why? How can I change it
> easily?
On color screens, it tries to write kernel messages green-on-black.
This is controlled by the variables "WS_KERNEL_FG" and
"WS_KERNEL_BG" in the kernel configuration file. You could simply
comment out the line
and should get white-on black.
One thing I don't understand: I was assuming that a VGA card
emulates an MGA if a b/w display is connected. This means it
uses another address range and interprets attributes shightly
different (eg will be able to underline). This doesn't seem
to happen in your case. Or is there something in-between, a
grayscale display which looks like color for the software?
Someone has a clue?
best regards