Subject: RFC: mkflop 2.3 - boot media maker
To: None <>
From: VaX#n8 <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/02/1999 01:29:38
Hi, I just wanted to remind everyone that I have a tool for making boot
media (typically 1.44MB floppies) called mkflop, and it is available here:
My home page was accidentally deactivated for the last 10 days or so, but
it is back up now and should be for a few months while I transition
elsewhere (yet-to-be-decided).

The mkflop program, like its author, is unfortunately somewhat out-of-date.
I just recently started taking a look at /usr/src/distrib/{utils,i386},
and I don't feel completely familiar with everything it does yet.
I think both tools could learn from each other; mkflop does crunching,
but does not gzip the kernel, use mdsetimage, or use the "small" utilities.
I think the interface to crunch could be improved; right now I have to
maintain two lists of programs (one for hardlinks and one for creation),
which is cumbersome.

Anyway, I wanted to remind everyone that the program exists, is available,
works (I use it all the time), and open up the floor to comments.  Please
make sure to include me in the recipients as I am not on the mailing list.
I cannot guarantee the gratification of implementing any suggestions
immediately, but they will be considered and probably implemented at
the next major reworking of the code.