Subject: Re: Q: file systems & sizes
To: VaX#n8 <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/02/1999 10:42:04
On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 02:21:09AM -0600, VaX#n8 wrote:
> I find myself needing to repartition again, probably due to an increase
> in the number of programs in /, presumably most are statically linked.
> 103% full is a bad place to be.
Yikes. :)
> What kind of partition sizes and schemes are people using?
> Another BSD suggests / swap /usr /var /tmp /var/tmp /home, possibly also
> /usr/local and /usr/X11R6. Anyone care to comment on that scheme?
I usually have / swap /usr /var /tmp, at least, and if the machine has more
users than just root and myself, I usually put in /home as well. On my
laptop I decided to use mfs for /tmp, but I'm not sure if this is a good
solution if you're running out of memory with a regular /tmp already.
On one-purpose machines like name servers, I may use / swap /usr only
(no need for a large /var if there are no users receiving mail on the
system or doing any other /var intensive things).