Subject: Re: Illegal port command.
To: None <>
From: R. C. Dowdeswell <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/05/1999 13:48:30
Are you doing NAT, or Packet filtering? If so, try using passive FTP.
Netscape uses passive, IIRC, by default. To get the command line ftp
to use passive mode, just type passive at the command line.
On 920652181 seconds since the Beginning of the UNIX epoch wrote:
>When I ftp out on the net to any FTP site. I get errors trying to list the
>contents of directories. Netscape has no problem with this. But I cant upload
>in Netscape . so without further adue heres my situation. < this all works fine
>when im in my linux partition btw >
>230 User tony logged in.
>Remote system type is UNIX.
>Using binary mode to transfer files.
>ftp> ls
>500 Illegal PORT Command
>500 Can't build data connection: no PORT specified
>Heres a diagram of my network right quick:
>[internet via ppp] ----- [linux router] ----------- [ NetBSD 1.3.2 ]
>Date: 05-Mar-99
>Time: 08:38:46
>This message was sent by XFMail
== Roland Dowdeswell