Subject: Re: RealAudio G2 server?
To: Andreas Wrede <>
From: Laine Stump <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/19/1999 23:25:27
At 08:24 PM 3/19/99 -0500, Andreas Wrede wrote:

>I have no problems running the server, or with the html/java admin
>interface. The www-login into the admin functions works fine but in the
>back of my head I seem to remember some problems with file or directory
>permissions. Check them for <g2root>/adm_b_db/users/<userid>. 

Funny thing - there is no subdirectory for the userid I gave it. No files
under there at all. I also noticed I couldn't find the userid anywhere in
rmserver.cfg. I tried creating the users/userid directory, but that didn't
help anything. What's supposed to be in there? Could you compare the
rmserver.cfg file below to yours and tell me if there's any differences
that look meaningful?


>Also, I am
>not using the freebsd_lib package, I had the emulation setup before a
>package existed for it, but that should not matter if the G2 server itself

yeah, it seems to run fine; bound to all the right ports, and no coredumps
or anything.

************************* My rmserver.cfg

<?XML Version="1.0" ?>

<!-- Please read the configuration section of the manual -->
<!-- before adding any new entries to this file.         -->

<!-- P A T H S -->
<Var LogPath="/var/log/realserver/rmaccess.log"/>
<Var ErrorLogPath="/var/log/realserver/rmerror.log"/>
<Var PidPath="/var/run/"/>
<Var PluginDirectory="/usr/local/realserver/Plugins"/>
<Var SupportPluginDirectory="/usr/local/realserver/Lib"/>
<Var LicenseDirectory="/usr/local/realserver/License"/>

<!-- P O R T S -->
<!--UNIX customers must have root privileges to execute the server  -->
<!--with the RTSP port set to 554.                                  -->
<!--The following are the default ports that RealPlayer and         -->
<!--RealPlayer Plus clients will connect to for an URL that has     -->
<!--no port specified:                                              -->
<!--  RTSP:  554                                                    -->
<!--  PNM:   7070                                                   -->
<!--  HTTP:  80 (...then 8080 if 80 is unavailable)                 -->
<Var RTSPPort="554"/>
<Var PNAPort="7070"/>
<Var HTTPPort="8080"/>
<Var MonitorPort="9090"/>
<Var AdminPort="2802"/>

<!-- P A S S W O R D S -->
<Var MonitorPassword="password"/>

<!-- A L L O W A N C E -->
<Var ValidPlayersOnly="True"/>

<!-- L O G G I N G -->
<Var LoggingStyle="5"/>
<Var StatsMask="3"/>

<!-- L I V E  A R C H I V I N G -->
<List Name="LiveArchive">
    <List Name="*">
        <Var TargetDirectory="/Archive/"/>
        <Var BandwidthNegotiation="True"/>
        <Var FileSize="0"/>
        <Var FileTime="0m0h0d"/>
        <Var NoArchive="True"/>

<!-- H T T P  S U P P O R T -->
<List Name="HTTPDeliverable">
    <Var Path_0="/admin"/>
    <Var Path_1="/localadminfs"/>
    <Var Path_2="/ramgen"/>
    <Var Path_3="/farm"/>

<!-- M I M E  T Y P E S -->
<List Name="MimeTypes">
    <List Name="text/html">
        <Var Ext_1="html"/>
        <Var Ext_2="htm"/>
    <List Name="audio/x-pn-realaudio">
        <Var Ext_1="ram"/>
    <List Name="image/gif">
        <Var Ext_1="gif"/>
    <List Name="image/jpg">
        <Var Ext_1="jpg"/>
        <Var Ext_2="jpeg"/>

<!-- A U T H E N T I C A T I O N -->
<List Name="AuthenticationRealms">
    <List Name="SecureAdmin">
        <Var Realm=""/>
        <List Name="BasicAuthenticator">
            <Var PluginID="rn-auth-basic"/>
            <Var DatabaseID="Admin_Basic"/>
    <List Name="SecureEncoder">
        <Var Realm=""/>
        <List Name="RN5Authenticator">
            <Var PluginID="rn-auth-rn5"/>
            <Var DatabaseID="Encoder_RN5"/>

<!-- D A T A B A S E S -->
<List Name="Databases">
    <List Name="Admin_Basic">
        <Var PluginID="rn-db-wrapper"/>
        <Var PathToDBPlugin="/usr/local/realserver/Plugins/"/>
        <Var DBName="/usr/local/realserver/adm_b_db"/>
    <List Name="Encoder_RN5">
        <Var PluginID="rn-db-wrapper"/>
        <Var PathToDBPlugin="/usr/local/realserver/Plugins/"/>
        <Var DBName="/usr/local/realserver/enc_r_db"/>

<!--            F I L E  S Y S T E M S          -->
<!--            ----------------------          -->
<List Name="FSMount">
    <!-- Local File System; Media -->
    <List Name="RealSystem Content">
        <Var ShortName="pn-local"/>
        <Var MountPoint="/"/>
        <Var BasePath="/usr/local/realserver/Content"/>
    <!-- Local File System; HTML -->
    <List Name="RealSystem Administrator">
        <Var ShortName="pn-local"/>
        <Var MountPoint="/localadminfs/"/>
        <Var BasePath="/usr/local/realserver/RealAdministrator"/>
    <!-- Admin File System -->
    <List Name="RealSystem Administrator Files">
        <Var ShortName="pn-admin"/>
        <Var MountPoint="/admin/"/>
        <Var Authentication="True"/>
        <Var BaseMountPoint="/localadminfs/"/>
        <Var Realm=""/>
    <!-- G2 Encoders -->
    <List Name="RealSystem G2 Encoders">
        <Var ShortName="pn-encoder"/>
        <Var MountPoint="/encoder/"/>
        <Var Port="4040"/>
        <Var EncoderRealm=""/>
    <!-- Pre-G2 Encoders -->
    <List Name="Pre-RealSystem G2 Encoders">
        <Var ShortName="pn-live3"/>
        <Var MountPoint="/live/"/>
        <Var Port="5050"/>
        <!-- Var Password="password"/ -->
    <!-- RAM File Generator -->
    <List Name="RAM File Generator">
        <Var ShortName="pn-ramgen"/>
        <Var MountPoint="/ramgen/"/>

<!-- C A C H I N G -->
<Var TSPort="7802"/>
<Var TSEnable="1"/>
<Var TSLog="1"/>
<Var TSLogPath="/usr/local/realserver/Logs/cache.log"/>