Subject: Re: anyone object to not having split sets in 1.4?
To: John F. Woods <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/03/1999 11:31:31
On Sat, 3 Apr 1999, John F. Woods wrote:
> > On 02-Apr-99 Phil Nelson spoke unto us all:
> > # It might be nice if the script actually wrote to floppies. Also, it
> > # would be nice if it generated a file that sysinst could read to determine
> > # how many parts were generated.
> > Even nicer would be a dos .BAT file to do it as well, and maybe a pointer to
> > some dos splitting utility. Nethack used to ship with one.. It's presumably
> > free.
> I have also coded changes to sysinst to have it prompt you for the floppy
> containing "sets.txt" so that it can read it in and learn how many fragments
> to expect; I will be testing that code later this afternoon. It's reasonably
> compact, though the way I've coded it right now requires changes to all the
> md.h files; I should probably fix that.
If we're making the sets on the fly, there's no reason to make more
than one fragment per floppy. It looks like your sysinst would support
that automatically. I like that, because I found counting out the
pieces and copying out the right ones to each disk to be the most
annoying part of making a set of install floppies.