Subject: Re: fdisk in 1.3I too trusting of disk?
To: David W Talmage <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/05/1999 13:59:23
Perry Metzger writes:
>David W Talmage <> writes:
>> How can I undo this without hacking fdisk?
>What's wrong with hacking fdisk? You Have The Source. Making sure
>software can't do ugly stuff to crash itself is good for
>everyone. When you've made fdisk more robust, submit a patch...
While this is fine and dandy for hackers, some people just want to
*use* NetBSD. In particular, it's hardly fair to expect an ordinary
user to understand all the ways fdisk is used, or how changing its
default might break its use as (e.g.) an installation tool, or indeed
for any other use than the one the "ordinary" user is optimizing for.
Heck, that's been hard enough even for our resident experts.