Subject: Re: device not configured?
To: None <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/16/1999 00:42:55
Try "hd1a:netbsd". That means, use the second BIOS disk; the booter
doesn't really know about scsi or ide. You could also downnload just the
install floppy from 1.4_alpha (or 1.3.3) to see if that does any better.
On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 wrote:
> Now I boot the machine with the NetBSD boot floppy, hit space to give a
> different boot command and try
> boot wd1a:netbsd
> and get
> "boot wd1a:netbsd: Device not configured"
> Any ideas??
> This is still NetBSD-1.3.2/i386. I was going to wait for the 1.4 release
> and before upgrading again (instead of going to 1.3.3 first).