Subject: Re: sysinst and /etc/fstab
To: Brian Stark <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/01/1999 18:09:25
[redirected to tech-install]
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 10:40:11AM -0500, Brian Stark wrote:
> [...]
> Since sysinst is looping through the /etc/fstab file, why doesn't it pay
> attention to the "noauto" keyword? In order to get around this problem I
> had to remove the line in my /etc/fstab file for the file system located
> on disk wd2. It would be really nice if the only change necessary to
> /etc/fstab would have been to add the "noauto" keyword.
Sure, I ran into this problem as well: I have a magneto-optical drive
which shows up as sd1, and I added a line for it in fstab with 'noauto'.
It tried to fsck it as well. This is on my todo list :)
It should also probably pay attention to the last field of the fstab's
line ("fs_passno") to not start fsck if it's 0, and to the mount
options, I happen to have some filesystems mounted read-only and I don't
want sysinst to try to mount them read/write. They are physically
write-protected anyway.
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.