Subject: Re: libpthreads
To: None <>
From: Thilo Manske <Thilo.Manske@HEH.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/13/1999 17:01:37
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 05:15:05PM +0100, Tobias Seiler wrote:
> I've run into the problem that the autoconf stuff is asking for a
> libpthread, otherwise it wont work.
> What I found out is that this is a library for creating ,handling and using
> threads in POSIX style.
I remember some problems with it, but perhaps this is what you need:
pkgsrc/devel/mit-pthreads: Chris Provenzano's (MIT) POSIX threads library
Dies ist Thilos Unix Signature! Viel Spass damit.