Subject: Re: New Asus P2B-DS ACPI vs. 3Com905B 1.4
To: None <>
From: Geoff Wing <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/14/1999 06:34:27
Jeff Northon <> typed:
:We are fighting with a new Pentium III 450 on an Asus Dual Processor
:board, one processor. We are seeing high packet loss on the ex0
:(3Com 905B), between 30 and 70% loss. I found the BIOS flasher in Germany
:and the most current BIOS 1010DS.001, was at 1008. Is this just a not
:ready for prime time (yet) combination? As always, there is a big rush is
:to get this on a co-location Ethernet on Monday. Or should we just swap
:out the motherboard with the Abit Slot One that works flawlessly?
I've got a P2B-DS (w/1xPII-400) BIOS 1008B + 3Com905B-TX + DEC21041 board.
3Com905B-TX works fine at 100MHz half-duplex through a 3Com DualSpeedHub8.
I can't get full-duplex going since I don't have a good switch and also the
other machines with the same boards are WinNT. Latest release BIOS for the
MB is 1009. 1008B has Adaptec BIOS 2.11. 1009 didn't seem to offer me
anything relevant so I'm not using it.
Geoff Wing : <> Work URL:
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Zsh Stuff : <> Phone : (Australia) 0413 431 874