Subject: Re: Problems with ex0 on 1.4 3Com905
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Jeff Northon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/16/1999 12:24:53
We have three that we have switched in all have gone into dumb mode. I
have the latest DOS reset software that seems to fix it and then it dumbs
down again after a few warm reboots.
I could stick them into a machine but the system that was intended to have
the card was delivered to the COLO facility with a dec 10/100 card (DE0).
I really want to get this sorted out as I think the machine will be
flipped onto a 100 meg ethernet this month. I will get a new motherboard
and set this up on Thursday, if all goes according to plan. I have three
flavors of the 3C0m905 here to play with.
Jeff Northon