Subject: Re: sendmail[369]: unable to qualify my own domain name
To: None <>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/05/1999 10:06:10
der Mouse writes:
>>> Sendmail is being run by cron i suppose ... how can I shut it off
>>> completely ? I have no need for sendmail at all ..
>I suspect what's going on here is that a cronjob is trying to send
>mail, which ends up invoking sendmail *even if it's not running as a
>daemon*. Indeed, in some circumstances, cron itself will try to send
Indeed. This is true of most *nix. At a big site where I'm the [HP]ostmaster,
the troops have instructions not to add machines to the DNS unless they
can verify that SMTP is correctly configured. It only takes one machine
to spend a weekend bouncing mail to itself to ruin Monday for all the
Postmasters :-)
Lots of machine owners use the "but we don't use mail" excuse, but of course
there is generally no such thing as a *nix system that does not send mail.