Subject: Re: Linux emulation/acroread weirdness
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/30/1999 20:13:53
>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff Rizzo <> writes:

Jeff> I've been noticing these for a few weeks, but have not yet expended the
Jeff> effort to track it down.  Incidentally (or not), at the same time I made
Jeff> the switch to ELF, I went to the suse_linux-6.1 package from the older SuSE
Jeff> package.

This sounds fishy.  There are some linux binaries that just have to have
a different set of X libraries, acroread is among them.  I think it's a
libc5 vs. libc6 thing, and I don't know how real Linux systems handle
it, but I just put wrappers around these binaries that set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include libc5 stuff before everything else.

==John Kohl <>, <>
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