Subject: Re: Gigabit Ethernet
To: Frank van der Linden <>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/04/1999 19:28:49
On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 12:10:49AM +0200, Frank van der Linden wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 04, 1999 at 01:47:57PM -0700, Jeff Northon wrote:
> > Is ther any work being done on gigabit Ethernet?
> >
> As noted, a port of the FreeBSD alteon-based card driver (should cover about
> 5 different cards) has been done recently. There also appears to be a
> FreeBSD driver for the Packet Engines GNIC I and II cards at

Started on it. But I've been in the middle of moving since mid Aug.
There are enough changes between NetBSD-1.4 and the version of
FreeBSD that the drivers are for that it was slowing me down.
If anyone wants to help, let me know, but I don't know when I'll
have a machine set up to test with again.

David Maxwell,| -->
(About an Amiga rendering landscapes) It's not thinking, it's being artistic!
					      - Jamie Woods