Subject: RE: Install problems
To: 'Jonathan Cline' <>
From: Tony Hernandez <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/16/1999 13:11:11
Can you burn a CDROM ? it will be much easier to do once you get that done.
boot from the floppies and install from the CDROM that will be much easier
especially if your not used to *nix. It's obvious that the novell server is
not allowing or does not have a route back to your machine from the outside
for some reason. while your in sysinst can you try to run an ftp command to
see if you can establish a connection? It might be that there's no route ...
This is all I can say without "being there" it would be cool if you could
put your machine on the other side of the firewall for the install then
bring it back..
just some thoughts
Tony Hernandez
Workstation Administrator
Intellon Corporation
-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Jonathan Cline
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 1:00 PM
Subject: Install problems
Hi, everyone. I've been trying to install netBSD for a few weeks
now with only moderate success. Here are the two problems I'm
currently facing (though thanks to Manuel Bouyer for getting me
this far!):
1. I'm installing from behind a Novell BorderManager firewall.
I can not get ping to work in the network setup, so I'm stuck.
The network admin does not have much experience in this area..
I have a static IP addr (, the nameserver/gateway
IP addr (, and the subnetmask (0xff ff ff 00). Entering
these parameters during install results in 100% packet loss.
2. Since I'm faced with #1, I decided to ftp the install set to my
win95 partition & install via 'unmounted fs'. However, I can't get
sysinst to find the files. It asks:
Device [sd0]
Filesystem [ffs]
Directory []
My only drive is wd0, which I specify. I've tried many variants
on fat16, fat, msdos, etc for Filesystem-- no go. The directory
I specify as "/1netbsd" since I saved the packages to c:\1netbsd.
(A tip to the sysinst maintainer: showing some examples would
work wonders here.)
What file(s) is sysinst looking for, anyway? I fetched *.tgz,
and I assume it is looking for base.tgz and not finding it.
Thankfully I know that installing is the hardest part of dealing
with *ix. Help please!