Subject: Re: Install problems
To: Jonathan Cline <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/17/1999 03:35:48
On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Jonathan Cline wrote:
> 2. Since I'm faced with #1, I decided to ftp the install set to my
> win95 partition & install via 'unmounted fs'. However, I can't get
> sysinst to find the files. It asks:
> Device [sd0]
> Filesystem [ffs]
> Directory []
> My only drive is wd0, which I specify. I've tried many variants
> on fat16, fat, msdos, etc for Filesystem-- no go. The directory
> I specify as "/1netbsd" since I saved the packages to c:\1netbsd.
I don't know that that works, but I know you can install sets from a
_mounted_ dos file-system. To do that, first choose utility->shell
(*not* "Exit to shell"). See if "disklabel wd0" tells you which letter
has the win95 partition, probably 'e'. Then "mkdir /w; mount -tmsdos
/dev/wd0e /w", then "exit", and you will be back at the installer.
I've used this method in the past with two disks. For the single disk
case, it should still work fine as long as "disklabel" shows an msdos
partition. If it doesn't, possibly because the installer has already
put down a bsd label, consider another plan. If not the network,
floppies. You could install a base system w/ man pages from about a
dozen floppies, configure the network and msdos partition at your
leisure, and then pull down the rest of the sets. Just a thought...