Subject: Re: -current works under vmware NT
To: Andrew Gillham <>
From: Matthias Drochner <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/23/1999 19:45:51 said:
> wsdisplay0 at vga0: console (80x25, vt100 emulation) [hang]
It hangs after the vga attach is done.
Are you perhaps using WSDISPLAY_DEFAULTSCREENS? It might
be that it has some problem with virtual screens.
(I can't easily imagine, because it doesn't do hardware
accesses when the second screen is allocated, except perhaps
if you've hit the point where the buggy softcursor code was in
the tree. It's however the only thing the wsdisplay code
does after the printout.)
Could you try to narrow it down with some DDB breakpoints?
> unknown vendor 0x15ad product 0x0710 (miscellaneous display) at pci0 dev 15 func
> tion 0 not configured
It identifies itself as "misc display", not as VGA.
This looks like vmware's fault.
Attaching to ISA should work as well.
best regards