Subject: Re: Linux Communicator 4.7 SIGSEGV, anybody manage to get it to run under NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/02/1999 20:27:53
In article <>,
Alicia da Conceicao <> writes:
> Has anyone been able to run the Linux version of Netscape Communicator
> version 4.7 under NetBSD.
No problem so far with Navigator 4.7 for Linux 2.0 glibc2 using
the SuSE Linux package.
> I am running ix86 NetBSD 1.3K.
The Linux emulation was improved a lot since that version. You should
update your NetBSD to at least 1.4.1.
Matthias Scheler