Subject: Request: netboot.rom
To: None <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/03/1999 19:27:12
Could someone please build me a netboot.rom?
now, i've never done this before, but i think the general procedure is:
cd /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand/netboot
edit Makefile to say:
#uncomment if there are problems with memory detection
USE_NETIF= 3c509
(comment out other USE_NETIF's)
(comment out other I386MISCCPPFLAGS, but be sure to leave the
I386MISCMAKEFLAGS right below untouched)
say 'make', and then email netboot.rom to <carton@Ivy.NET>
In case you think this is a weird request, I'll explain.
I want this because I have a diskless Linux box right now, and I've gotten
to the point where I feel, ``You have failed me for the last time, Linux.''
Yes, _diskless Linux,_ with the ROM and everything. you would not believe...
well, nevermind.
But, it has no floppies or hard disks, so I can't install in the traditional
way. and, this old box of tinfoil and duct tape is my only PeeCee.
It does have, however, an Etherboot ROM. Etherboot is a Linux rip-off of an
old BSD netboot source tree, hacked to boot linux ``nbi'' files via TFTP in
only 8kB. Included in the Etherboot package is contrib/bootblk/bootblk.img,
a 512-byte magical binary that supposedly you can prepend to any ROM image to
make it look like a Linux nbi. Thus, Etherboot loads netboot via TFTP, and
netboot loads netbsd via NFS. or so i hope. Send me a netboot.img so I
can try it out!
Miles Nordin / v:1-888-857-2723 fax:+1 530 579-8680
555 Bryant Street PMB 182 / Palo Alto, CA 94301-1700 / US