Subject: Re: Well, almost there...
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/18/1999 14:17:01
>YAY! My laptop seems to work pretty much fine. I still can't use
>the modem or the ne2000 card with cardbus, or the compact flash with
>the old pcmcia code, but I can boot and run and do everything important.
I can duplicate the ne2000 (linksys/D-link pcmcia) card problem with
CardBus. It's not just a boot-time wedge: if you boot multi-user, then
install the card, my machine freezes.
It comes back to life when the card is removed. Meanwhile the
interrupt count (old-style as reported by vmstat -i) on the IRQ shared
by the cbb and the ne2 go through the roof: I got 16 million in a few
Maybe that gives someone a clue?
(The linksys I have has a dodgy dongle, but it did work under PCMCIA
when inserted Just So, both before+after the CardBus trial).