Subject: Re: K7
To: None <>
From: Arie <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/25/1999 23:45:20
I have had a k7 for a month now and love it. I have the FIC SD11. Its a
plain board compared to what you get with most BX motherboards these days
but runs stable. It won't boot a k7 higher up than 600 mhz at the moment
but FIC should have a bios fix for that soon (I hope).
check out soon. Webadmin will be posting reviews of the MSI,
FIC and Gigabyte motherboards for the K7.
On Mon, 25 Oct 1999 wrote:
> Now that a couple people have K7s, does anyone have anything good or
> bad to say about the motherboards you've chosen to run them in?
> Thanks.
> --
> - Brian