Subject: Re: Install 1.4.1 on a Compaq Contura Aero 4/33 C (SOLVED)
To: None <,>
From: Richard PLOIX <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/28/1999 10:26:01
Hello Bill, how are you to day?
Me i'm fine.
Thousand of thank's to you for your help.
I have solved the problem by the same way the last night.
My solution was to make a 'fdisk wd0' command to see where
was my DOS partition.
The second command was 'disklabel -i wd0' and add a partition 'f'.
The partition begin at 6552 and the size is 65520.
The unit in use was effectivly in sectors.
Then, I mount my partition by 'mount -t msdos /dev/wd0f /mnt2.
At this point, I see my set directory on my MSDOS disk.
All is riht for now.
Than's you again.
Richard from PARIS in FRANCE.
>>X-Authentication-Warning: qmaild set sender to using -f
>>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:32:07 -0700 (PDT)
>>From: Bill Studenmund <>
>>Reply-To: Bill Studenmund <>
>>To: Richard PLOIX <>
>>Subject: Re: Install 1.4.1 on a Compaq Contura Aero 4/33 C
>>Nicely detailed! Unfortunatly you ran into some problems with sysinst.
>>You said the kern.tgz, etc files are on your msdos partition? I'm going to
>>assume so, and suggest a way to fix things up from this point.
>>Unfortunatly you have to repeat the parts of the install you did. I'll
>>show you where you need to make different answers.
>>On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Richard PLOIX wrote:
>>> > -> partition table in sec.
>>> > No start(meg) Size(meg) End(meg) Kind
>> ^^^ ^^^ ^^^
>>Did it really do that? Oops!
>>> > 0 6552 65520 72072 Primary DOS 16-bit FAT > 32 MB
>>> > 1 72072 615888 687960 NetBSD
>>> > 2 52 6500 6552 unknow
>>> > 3 unused
>>Remember the start & size of your msdos partition: 6552, 65520.
>>> >I say standard and return
>>> > -> BSD-disklabel partition as (size and offset in meg)
>>I'd suggest doing it in sectors. Megabyte mode had some strange rounding
>>issues. Just remember that a sector is 1/2 a K. So 2048 sectors = a
>>megabyte. 36 MB = 73728 and 33 MB = 67584 sectors.
>>> > id size offset end fstype bsize fsize mountpoint
>>> > a 36 35 71 4.2BSD 8192 1024 /
>>> > b 33 72 104 swap
>>> > c 300 35 335 unused
>>> > d 336 0 335 unused
>>> > e 230 105 335 4.2BSD 8192 1024 /usr
>>> > Partitons are ok?
>>> >I say yes and return
>>Say no. Add an "f" partition, start 6552, size 65520 and type MS-DOS.
>>Then say yes when it asks about partitions being ok.
>>> > -> name for netbsd disk 5mywd0]: return
>>> > last chance. return
>>> > newfs /dev/rwd0a
>>> > ---------------e
>>> > the next step is to fetch and unpack the distribution sets.
>>> >I say yes and return
>>> >I select custom installation kern, base, etc
>>> > -> do you want to see the files during extracting? no
>>> >I select floppy medium
>>At this point you want to select the "unmounted fs" option.
>>You want to say "msdos" for Filesystem, and "wd0f" for device (it's the
>>one we added above). If the files aren't in the top level of the dos
>>drive, set the path to them in the Directory setting. Remember that UNIX
>>uses "/" to seperate file names while windos uses "\". So a windows path
>>of "Program Files\Downloads" would be "Program Files/Downloads" for UNIX.
>>I think it should just work now.
>>Take care,