Subject: Re: Any Netscape usable on i386?
To: None <>
From: Brad Spencer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/01/1999 15:39:50
> Sometimes Netscape will pop open a dialogue window
> (cookies, sending things, switching from secure to
> insecure, asking for a password, etc.) but the geometry is
> totally whacked out. My window manager (gwm) deals with
> this by drawing a frame around a 0x0 window, leaving me
> with a four-pixel-wide vertical bar the normal height of a
> window decoration.
fvwm95 and kwm do the same. :-I
> When such a dialogue box opens, Netscape will stop doing
> anything else until it is dealt with by the user;
> sometimes this is as simple as resizing the tiny window,
> but sometimes you can't do that (you can end up with a
> bigger grey window) -- when that happens, if you are
> lucky, just hitting return on the tiny window will
> generate a response to the dialogue box, letting you
> continue.
> Deleting the tiny window also sometimes helps.
Sometimes, yes... and sometimes Netscape just opens more of these
zero-sized windows (I have closed over 20 of them before killing
In my day job, I do web ui design and development. After fiddling around
with Netscape a lot over the last year, it appears that the above behavior
is caused by unexpected async. events from Xlib. If you manage to enlarge
the window [tvtwm that I use here allows me to do such things], it will
mention something alone the lines of "Unexpected Async. event....". The
Java VM inside of Netscape appears to trigger this.
The only two things that I have found that help this is to turn off Java
completely. Or to start netscape with the '-synchronous' flag, which
Netscape seems to support, but doesn't advertise. Of course, there is a
performance penalty for doing this.
Javascript seems to be ok in the BSDI versions of Netscape.
Brad Spencer -
[finger for PGP public key]