Subject: mozilla? was Re: Any Netscape usable on i386?
To: None <>
From: Danny Thomas <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/02/1999 07:06:24
Sean Doran <>
>Matthew Orgass <> writes:
>> Also, Netscape often freezes for relatively long periods of time
>> (especially with multiple windows -- and they all freeze)...
<description of problems / workarounds>
I personally prefer using anything but Netscape since it does such an awful
job with style-sheets, but what experience have people had with mozilla?
Being open-source and architecture-neutral would have made it popular with
NetBSD-folk, I would have thought. At least when it got to a usable state.
the latest M10 milestone, on a mac anyway, has finally added a
netscape-like GUI. Previously it was just a single window with a url entry
area at top. No bookmarks, no nothin.
I don't know whether you can draw much in the way of conclusions, but the
mozilla newsgroups are fairly traffic-free.
BTW I just checked, and NetBSD is one of the few OS' mentioned on
Which links to
That page mentions binaries for many architectures, but they appear to be a
year old. The patch directory seems to have been updated in February, but
it would be nice if a few people could track Mozilla and supply fixes so it
built out of box. I don't (yet) run X, so I can't -)
Danny Thomas