Subject: Re: Uh-oh... Broken keyboard input.
To: None <>
From: Dave Huang <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/04/1999 18:03:04
On Wed, 3 Nov 1999 wrote:
> That's interesting. The mouse probe really messes up
> the keyboard controller. Hmm - does it have a mouse
> port at all?
> Can you identify the keyboard controller?
> (might be separate, or part of the chipset)
I couldn't tell which chip was the keyboard controller, but here are two
likely candidates:
A DIP chip, didn't count the number of pins, but it was less than what
I'm used to seeing...
M5818 B1
9644 TS10
A smallish QFP surface mount chip (I just did a websearch for this, and
apparently, it's actually a video chip... but I didn't think that
motherboard had built-in video...)
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