Subject: Re: How to mount msdos logical disks, or EXT DOS partition?
To: Richard PLOIX <>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/16/1999 19:54:34
Richard PLOIX wrote:
> fdisk sd1
> NetBSD geometry cyl 7637 head 8 sect/track 274 (2192 s/tr)
> partiton table
> 0 sysid 15 (Ext. partition LBA)
> start 16065 size 16755795 (8181MB) flag 0x0
> 1 sysid 169 (NetBSD)
> start 14991088 size 1749216 (854MB) flag 0x0
That means the first entry starts at 16065, and ends at 16771860, so how
can the second entry start at 14991088<16771860 ? The two entries overlap!