Subject: Re: problems with swap partition on 1.2
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/17/1999 02:47:30
>> Do you have any idea at all what might cause a 1.2 system booted on
>> sd0g to (a) try to savecore from sd0h instead of sd0b,
> I seem to recall that earlier NetBSDs used to assume, in at least
> some locations, that the swap partition was root+1, i.e., g+1 = h for
> your setup.
Oh, ugh. Do you happen to recall what happens if root is the last
partition, does it wrap to partition 0 or does it go to the next disk?
(Eg, root on sd0h, does swap try to go on sd0a or sd1a?) In any case,
it's an ugly gotcha - I hate to think what would have happened if in
this case there'd been a real filesystem on sd0h.
der Mouse
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