Subject: installation woes
To: None <>
From: Erik Huizing <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/29/1999 09:18:42
I'm having the damndest time installing NetBSD-1.4.1 on an old 486 of
I was going to install over ftp, but I kept getting "ne1: device timeout".
I tracked the problem to the fact that the NIC was on irq 3. Its a pnp
card with no jumpers, so I gave up that avenue. Next, I tried a disk
install with no success. Are the disks supposed to be msdos disks, or
unix? I also tried mounting the disks in an attempt to copy in all the
# mkdir /mnt2/floppy
# mount /dev/fd0a /mnt2/floppy
and it tells me device not configured
Finally, as a last resort, I created a 20 meg dos partition, copied all
the segments there with the hope of mounting that dos partion, and
continuting with this installtion.
I put the instaler through its paces, up to just before writing the disk
label, then I added my msdos parititon in /etc/disktab and then continued
with installation. After disklabel was called, I went back to the shell to
try mounting the drive,
# mkdir /mnt2/msdos
# mount_msdos /dev/wd0f /mnt2/msdos
but again I get 'deivce not configured':
Help! I'm at my wits end!
Erik Huizing