Subject: Re: Toshiba's NetBSDpages
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/04/2000 01:18:09
> Hubert> I just watched some log files, and come to the conclusion that
> Hubert> I must have missed pointing people here at
> Hubert>, which besides Linux offers
> Hubert> some NetBSD pages. 8-)
To follow up myself, and explain a bit: I'm doing these (NetBSD) pages for
Toshiba, in their effort to test non-M$-based operating systems on their
machines. If anyone has suggestions or data for the pages (esp. the
hardware and peripherals lists), let me know!
If someone wants to develop drivers or needs specs otherwise, let me know
too, I can make you some contacts for this.
- Hubert
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