Subject: Monitor frequencies (was: Re: Intellimouse problems)
To: Todd Whitesel <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/05/2000 02:49:10
> > (Aside: Why is it that monitors, expensive critters that they are, don't
> > have enough sense to do something safe when their frequencies are
> > exceeded? Preferably, they should display a ROM'ed warning message and
> All modern PC monitors are smart enough to display "signal out-of-range"
> messages on the screen. It is the older fixed-sync and analog-multisync
> monitors that had problems with smoking and burning up.
Several had said the same thing, in response to my message. I stand
corrected, but won't actually believe it until I see it (and I have no
intention of pressing my luck by trying it unnecessarily; *grin*).
> Unless you've got an old IBM XT with a "digital RGB" CGA monitor, that is...
No. It's a 2 year old monitor that came with a Gateway 2000 PC. Although
not a brand new monitor, it's not exactly ancient, either.
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."