Subject: RealTek 8139 and IP-nat
To: None <>
From: Roine Thunberg <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/13/2000 15:21:24
Hi, I've got a problem with RealTek 8139 Networkcards... I intend to do a
gateway between the two cards I've putted in.
I took the drivers are new from 1.4.2_ALPHA and compiled a new
kernel. The cards is now working. I can ping computers from both sides of
the cards. But I can't get IP-NAT working. I've did it before with other
computers and 3com509 cards and it worked fine. I'm using the same setup
exept for the interface difference between ep* and rl*. It feels it's
mostly like the drivers don't accept IP-NAT yet or am I wrong? I'm getting
errors when I start "sh netstart" and in startup. It says "Invalid
argument" on those lines in "ipnat.conf" and "ipf.conf".
Best regards