Subject: Re: install problems
To: Gregory McGarry <>
From: Guy Santiglia <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/13/2000 14:28:38
This machine that I'm trying to install NetBSD on, only has a floppy and
a hard drive. No CD. And no OS installed. I'm just working with
the sysinst program from the two floppies. I don't have the "man boot"
page. I was counting on the ne2000 card to install the
system over NFS or FTP. My only experience with NetBSD was
on a mac68k, so I'm a little lost here. Is there a good howto on the
site for this? or can you fill in on some of the details on how to
boot that INSTALL kernel with -d option?
--- Gregory McGarry <> wrote:
> > > Here's a better way. Boot the kernel with option -d. Inside DDB edit
> > > the autoconfiguration tables:
> >
> > I want to give that a try, but how exactly do boot the kernel with
> > that option -d?
> man boot. The INSTALL config file in -current does say that it has DDB
> compiled in.
> -- Gregory McGarry <>
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