Subject: Re: sharing resources
To: Guy Santiglia <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/23/2000 00:51:58
> The NFS mount is working well, but when I build packages
> on barney it is very slow and I was wondering if I can build
> packages for barney using the cpu of bambam. Is anything like
> this possible?
It is. I have a setup that mostly works, but when going from a dog-slow
machine to a much faster machine (like a factor of 10 in speed or more)
there are occasional hangs (of the build, not the machines) that require
a Control-C and a restart.
It is still limited by the C preprocessor speed on the slow machine,
but still helps quite a bit (factors of 3 have been measured).
I think I've found a way to work around the hanging problem, but the
code isn't all written yet.
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @