Subject: Re: serial console HOWTO?
To: None <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/29/2000 20:10:47
I _like_ the FreeBSD BIOS-unassisted keyboard probe idea, but sad as I am
to say it, in the not-too-distant future when all these bleeding edge folk
start using USB keyboards it will stop working and won't be fixable, while
the ugly ``Press a key here to use this console'' will continue to work. I
know , I know this scenario is silly enough to make almost anyone angry.
but, unfortunately, i think it's real. There is no way big PeeCee vendors
will stay away from USB for long, considering how inexpensive and
glitzified their keyboards are already with all those CD and answering
machine controls on them, and the new version of Windows NT supports it.
This hypothetical keyboard probe would be a rather short-lived hack.
Still, if Greg Woods has the code, well, I could use it on annabel.
whatever works out...
BTW--that site plays the Mission Impossible theme from _MIDI_.
That was quite possibly the best use of 37kB I've seen on a web page,
ever. Thanks, whowever posted that! rediculous Norweigan bastards...
Miles Nordin / v:+1 720 841-8308 fax:+1 530 579-8680
555 Bryant Street PMB 182 / Palo Alto, CA 94301-1700 / US