Subject: Re: Support for some obscure devices (MLX0076, HWP1940)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/08/2000 08:19:54
> > HP100VG
> I don't know that it is worth writing a driver when you can get decent
> modern ethernet cards for $15.
More importantly, this is a *100VG* card not 100TX. It is not going
to be easy finding a 100VG to 100TX converting hub or switch.
100VG was one of the ugly sisters competing for the 100Mbit/sec
ethernet standard back when everybody and their brother had their own
competing, non-interoperable method of doing things.
Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
DGPS signals via the Internet