Subject: Re: need pcmcia i/o mapping quirk table?
To: Soren S. Jorvang <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/15/2000 17:32:42
In message <>"Soren S. Jorvang" writes
>On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 02:24:26PM +0900, wrote:
>> >Many of these problems can be solved by using the PNPBIOS code.
>> 	see, I'll try PNPBIOS.  shouldn't we include it into INSTALL
>> 	and GENERIC kernel sometime soon?
>Yep. Last it was discussed, it didn't work on all machines, however.
>Does anyone still have machines that die horribly with the PNPBIOS code?

Crashes and burns horribly on Sony Vaio PCG-3xx.

I've got it to boot, _once_, after warmbooting from Windows or some
such. Every other combinatin crashed immediately after the PCI-bios
messages. I've also pruned the PnPbios attachments back. No difference.

The crahses reboot back to the BIOS and cleared the screen before I
can read anything.