Subject: Re: Anyone recommend a good terminal type?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/08/2000 02:17:23
On Jul 15,  6:31am, der Mouse wrote:
} With respect to the specific case of an i386 console, I suspect that
} you'll find very few real 25-line terminals, and also suspect you'll
} find comparatively few people willing to give up that 25th line for the
} sake of your desire for an unattainable perfect emulation of some real
} thing.  (As opposed to terminals which have a 25th line in hardware but
} make it accessible only as a "status" line of some sort, which of
} course would be emulable but would lose that line as far as most
} programs are concerned.)

     I would actually very much like to have an emulated status line.
MS-Kermit has it, and it is a feature that I miss.  I typically ran
"sysline" to keep information in the status line.  Other programs were
capable of using it as well.

}-- End of excerpt from der Mouse