Subject: Re: 100BaseT pcmcia cards?
To: John Kohl <>
From: Matt Ragan <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/26/2000 04:02:56
We use both the CE3 and the CardBus version in our laptops. Our laptops
are typically Thinkpad 600Es or 770Zs. Under Windows (I haven't tried the
CE3 under NetBSD), the CE3 is significantly slower than the CBE-100. The
CBE-100 works just great under NetBSD, as does the 3C575. The last time
that I tried it, the 3C574 didn't work under NetBSD, but that was probably
9 months ago. I have a 3C574 at the office that I can try when I get back
next week, though.
John Kohl wrote:
> My employer got me a laptop last fall, and it came with a Xircom
> Realport 10/100 card (CE3).
> It works with the "xe" driver, but not the one in the tree--there's an
> updated version I got from <>.
> However, even with my hub showing 100Mbps link speed, it's not a fast
> card--I was seeing less than 10Mbps throughput. Now either my hub was
> lying, or the throughput just really sucks.
> (BTW, what's the max throughput through a PCIC or cardbus controller to
> a PCMCIA slot/device? I have this nagging suspicion that 100Mbps is
> greater than the bus bandwidth?)
> --
> ==John Kohl <>, <>
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