Subject: Re: NetBSD/386 newbye + PS2 mouse problems
To: Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll <>
From: Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/12/2000 03:37:47
    Date:        11 May 2000 11:21:39 -0700
    From:        Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll <>
    Message-ID:  <rnpuqtkkwc.fsf@ripoll0.i-did-not-set--mail-host-address--so-shoot-me>

  | 1) This Toshiba works has a built in PS2 mouse. It works in W**. It works
  | with XFree86 under Linux. But in NetBSD I am having problems with it. The
  | sympthoms are as follows: I issue "startx" and as soon as I touch the
  | thing it slips to a side of the screen and nobody can take it from there.

In the XF86Config set the mouse protocol to "wsmouse".

  | 2) I will probably try to build a kernel next week. I found that a
  | Spanish keyboard is missing and I love the console so I might even try
  | fixing this. Any hints?

Sorry, can't help with that one.

  | 3) I feared NetBSD would hang my PC, crash my HD and burn my nose, but
  | it works much better than I expected. This is why I am want it to take the
  | whole disk. Now the problem is I don't want to reinstall and my NetBSD
  | partition only takes 30% of the HD. Can I create a new NetBSD partition
  | with the rest and slice it? Or is there a way to resize a NetBSD partition?
  | Please suggest me the painless way.

Just use disklabel and define yourself an extra partition.  There's
no easy way to resise one, but you can add more.   It's usually a
reasonable idea to keep all the NetBSD partitions within the NetBSD
"slice", but it isn't required, they can be anywhere.   Just be careful
to know what you're putting where on the disk and it will all work.
