Subject: Re: Star office
To: None <>
From: Thomas Michael Wanka <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/08/2000 01:34:01
I have not looked at staroffice for a while, but I can remember (sometime
before Sun got it) staroffice was distributed as a single compressed binary file
(SO5xinstall or something) that must be executed as root, resulting in one or a
couple of files, at least one of them was an install script that must NOT be
executed as root, but as user.
On 7 Jun 2000, at 19:05, Ben Bogart (admin) wrote:
> How do I run/get star office to work? I tried downloading from sun but
> they don't give a rpm. I assume that because linux apps are emulated on
> netbsd (I've already got it running) on a shadow root that only if you
> install the package with rpm will it work. Is this correct? or could I
> manually unpack and compile under the shadow root?
> Thanks
> Ben