Subject: Re: pthread.h and tclhttpd3.0.2
To: admin) < (Ben Bogart>
From: Berndt Josef Wulf <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/08/2000 11:48:32
Ben Bogart (admin) wrote
> I've got the MIT-pthreads package, now how do I modify the Thread2.0
> Makefile to use it? ./configure does not seem to find it. Forgive my lack
> of Makefile understanding. Is anyone on the NetBSD side using thread2.0 in
> tcl? if so how did you compile?
You may need to set a environment variable in order to tell the
configure script to include /usr/pkg/include and /usr/pkg/lib in its
search path.
I take it that you are trying to build this package manually (not using
the packages system). In this case try "./configure --help" and look
for the options --with-extra-includes and --with-extra-libs. If they
exists issue the follwoing command
./configure --with-extra-includes=/usr/pkg/include \
There may even be an option allowing you to declare the location of
MIT-pthreads... but not knowing this package I really can't comment on
cheerio Berndt
Name : Berndt Josef Wulf | +++ With BSD on Packet Radio +++
E-Mail : | tfkiss, tnt, dpbox, wampes
ICQ : 18196098 | VK5ABN, Nairne, South Australia
URL : | MBOX :
Sysinfo : DEC AXPpci33+, NetBSD-1.4.2 | BBS : vk5abn.#lmr.#sa.aus.oc