Subject: Re: Lava 4-port COM PCI card
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/13/2000 23:22:24
>>>>> "Chris" == Chris G Demetriou <> writes:
Chris> (Michael Richardson) writes:
>> I thought that comX did some testing to see if it had a 450,550, etc.
Chris> Of course it does. You'll note from your dmesg that it thinks it
Chris> found a 16550a.
Ah... I assumed that a blank chip would come up as being an true 8250,
or at least a 450.
Chris> The tests which are done after the 'com' is declared to be there
Chris> don't check the same things that e.g. the ISA probe does, though.
I understand that part... Alas the machine is in use (console server and
lab router), so we can't reboot is nilly-willy, but I think the new changes
to pucdata.c that I did today will do the trick.
:!mcr!: | Solidum Systems Corporation,
Michael Richardson |For a better connected world,where data flows faster<tm>