Subject: Re: Can't use ftp
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/14/2000 23:19:12
Paul Apprich writes:
> I have a recent setup of NetBSD 1.4.2 i386 on machine 'A'. I am in the
> process of setting up another like machine 'B'. I tried to FTP the
> installer files from 'A' to 'B' and I get a 'user root not allowed to
> use FTP' response. I had tried the other default accounts that allow
> access and nothing seems to work.
Root is denied in /etc/ftpusers. You can change this temporarily if
you want, just comment out root. The other accounts that you are
accessing must have a password, and must be using a shell listed in
/etc/shells. (and can't be denied in /etc/ftpusers)
You should just "ftp localhost" on machine 'A' to verify you can
ftp to the right spot first.
Andrew Gillham | NetBSD ist Affengeil. | Nachts ist es kaelter
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | als draussen.